Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I have arrived!

Hi Mom!
I've always wanted to say that.
Well Mom, here you go. An easy way to keep up with your budding writer. I just got in yesterday afternoon around one. I unloaded the truck all by myself with the exception of the bed which my new, gracious neighbors helped me with. It was hard but not completely undo-able. The heat almost did me in though. Gotta get used to that.
You would love this area Mom. It's so beautiful here. I'll have to send you a few pictures soon. It feels like I'm out in the middle of nowhere but in reality I'm only about ten minutes from gas and groceries. And about an hour from downtown. The view is very pretty. I have giant hills on one side and the lake on the other. My apartment is small but perfect for me and the cats. Who by the way, are exhausted from the trip and are currently napping all over my unmade bed. It's like a one bedroom efficiency. My kitchen is in the living room/office and there's the bathroom and bedroom. There are boxes everywhere.
Today and Thursday are unpacking days. I'll probably have to journey to the grocery store. I forgot how hungry I was since I missed dinner last night. I tried this pizza place nearby, they are the only place that delivers out here. My god the pizza was bad. It was like cardboard with lots of unseasoned sauce and two tiny slices of cheese on it. I didn't expect Chicago food but good lord was it bad!
Anyway I'm downtown siphoning internet from an obliging coffee shop. By the way my cell phone doesn't really work out here so if I don't answer, that's why. I'm going to be calling the phone company tomorrow to get a land line. I'll give you the number as soon as that gets settled along with the internet. So I'll let you know asap when I do. Honestly I prefer it. You know how much I hate my cellphone.
Love you,

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