Friday, August 5, 2011

In the Hospital

Oh my God. Nothing like a week in the hospital to make you go crazy.

To John, and all of my friends I hope you got this link. This will properly explain what happened. Since I'm kinda dopey from the pain medication here, its probably best if I'm not talking on the phone every three seconds.
The day after I went out with the cats I got all sick I and started bending over in pain. It got so intense that I was yelling into a pillow so as not to freak out my neighbors. Janet, my stepmom, came over and got me to a hospital. We went into the ER and an hour later I was being rushed to surgery. Apparently I had appendicitis. They took the offending organ out of me and now I'm re-cooperating. I've been laying here with marathons of Law & Order: SVU and worlds crazies police videos to keep me company. Dad brought me my laptop yesterday so now youtube is my new friend.
Mom, I just sent you an e-mail with the phone and room number for the hospital sorry about the delay. You can call me whenever. Leave it to me to leave my cell phone at home. I'm still in pain but they are pumping me with antibiotics and pain meds. YAY.
These meds are really messing with my dreams though. I keep having these elaborate dreams of me looking for someone in this Tim Burton like city. When I felt like I was getting close I would feel this real, intense pain. Then I would wake up. But sometimes I have to wake up again because I see this tall man in the far corner of my room just looking down at me. I hope I don't need these too much longer. The meds knock me out but the dreams wake me up. I know some of you do dream analysis. Let me know if you can figure this one out.
They're going to keep me here for a few days yet but I will keep you posted as to my progress.
Love you all,

1 comment:

  1. I don't care for hospitals. They always give my little ones bad dreams.
